I hope you enjoy my stories and maybe get a giggle or two every now and then. Read on and keep living the dream.
So, I think Ivan was feeling the pressure and tried to play as many of the Germans as possible in the first half. Don't get me wrong though, none of us, including myself, really had our swagger in that first half besides Trev and therefore, we were losing at half. The second half, my friends, was a totally different story. We all came out heated after an intense locker room talk and within a minute or so into the third quarter had tied the game back up. From there, we just got after it on defense and shut them down. After giving up 53 points in the first half (WAAAAAAAAAY too much), we gave up only 35 in the second half and ended up winning by 18. I was finally satisfied with my play on Saturday, scoring 14 in the second half alone (I only had 4 in the first), and grabbing double digit rebounds. It felt damn good to put in some quality work on the court.
Here is a link to an article about the game. The rest of the week was more of the same. Lifting and work and cooking gourmet treats and watching 24 DVD's have all taken over my life. Jack Bauer is just an unbreakable, terrorist killing machine who will cut off your fingers if you ever say to no to him.
I miss my girlie and my fam and all my friends from home alot lately, but I am loving the experience over here still and Fletch, AO, Kev, and I are in the planning stages of Euro Trip '09 which will be ridiculous (and Brooke will be meeting us in Paris for the second half of this insane trip). Trevor cooked an awesome batch of chili con carne to start off our eating around 10:30 or so at night. For those not in the know, the game began at 12:28 AM in Germany. Although we began eating at night, Trevor and I had been preparing our dishes all day. I ended up making potato skins, serious nachos, and the buffalo wings I learned how to make from my brothers. Shout-out to Will and John - those wings are tasty as hell no matter where you make 'em.
In addition to all this great food, when Andrew and Fletcher showed up, they came with two cases of Iserlohner (great beer), a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of whiskey. As soon as they walked in, I thought to myself, man, that is so much unnecessary alcohol. Well, kids, one thing I have learned from hanging with the Amherst crew is no matter what it looks like before the night starts, usually its all gone by the time the night finishes.
An hour before game time, I began to assemble an array of glorious dishes to all be done at the same time. I quickly hooked up my potato skins (most of the work for the taters was done earlier in the day) while beginning my wings and and putting my nachos in the broiler with the homemade salsa I had concocted. While all this multi-tasking was happening, I had yet another task to complete. A power hour. Andrew had suggested it to the crowd while I was cooking and than called me into the room. He said that he needed to ask me a question which was "What do you think normal people do in an hour?" And I responded, "I dunno... a power hour?" And thus, the epic evening began.After the power hour, I brought all the food out to the crowd and the game began with everyone well-lubricated and hungry. Oh, I forgot to mention, Fletcher brought over the projector which he has in his apartment, so, we got to watch the game off of my computer projected onto an entire wall in our family room. It was amazing. Throw in a great fourth quarter to the super bowl and some quality company and you have one of the best super bowls ever. If we had done this last year for the Gmen, it might have been the highlight of my life, but, alas, we did not. It was an epic evening to say the least... just wish we had won that damn game on Saturday...
The house played well, overall, but not as well as we all hoped. Trevor, of course, fouled out with 3 minutes to play and had probably around 15 or so, and Marko actually ended up fouling out at the start of the fourth quarter or so. I think I had a frustrating 13 with a good ol' bunch-o-boards. Tramaine and Junior both did work on the slower Munster guards, dropping over 20 each.
I felt alot better in practice all week, but it just did not show in the games. Coming back from injury is one of the most frustrating things EEVVVEEERRRR, but I am feeling better and better every time we practice. I just wish Coach would put in a play for an early post up for me or something, but that is a whole other rant that would take pages upon pages of beautiful blog love, and we cannot be having that now, can we?
Other than the game, there is not much to write about from this past week... mostly the same old routine.. Work, lifts, practice, cooking... STANDARD... I have been brain-storming about ways to make some money and play as much basketball as possible this summer and have been thinking about maybe doing private lessons.. Anyone need a private basketball instructor? Let me know.. Post a comment even... I heart AMERICA...
Well, that is all for now, hopefully next weekend I can finally see Fletcher and Andrew because I am having some home withdrawl currently.. nothing a nice night out with the Amherst crew wouldn't fix... One love